ACES: Achievement, Challenge, Environment, Stewardship ACES web page
All interested students from across the Yukon are encouraged to apply to ACES 10. Students will not only receive an unforgettable educational experience, but gain 16 credits which can be used towards graduation.
ACES 10 is an integrated academic and outdoor semester with a flexible schedule that includes the following credits:
Science 10 (4 credits)
Social Studies 10 (4 credits)
Physical Education 10 (4 credits)
Climate Change 10 (4 credits)
* ~ The outdoor and physical education portion of this course is about students building confidence and responsibility for themselves through learning and practicing skills and knowledge. No outdoor experience is necessary, however for the safety of the group, students must be willing to bring a positive attitude and a minimum level of fitness. The ACES program is a comfortable atmosphere which supports and appreciates students from various backgrounds.
*~ Specialized equipment such as tents, sleeping bags, outdoor stoves, skis, snowshoes, canoes can/will be provided through Wood Street Centre. Touring bikes can be rented for the bike trip training and trip.
Is ACES for you?
Do you like being in the outdoors?
Do you enjoy a challenge?
Do you want to explore the beauty and history of the Yukon and snowshoeing, skiing, paddling, cycling, and camping at historic and remote locations?
Do want to learn science and social studies hands-on? (This is what we call experiential education!)
Do you like projects and problem solving?
Do you want to work as part of a team, and gain leadership skills?
Do you want to be active and increase your fitness?
Do you want to learn outdoor and survival skills?
Do you want to make lifelong connections with your peers?